Custom Chock Ruidhasa, Kishanganj [email protected]


Education for Urban Deprived Children

Education for Urban Deprived Children

An important category of children, which needs special attention, belongs to the urban poor section of the society, as almost one-third o the population of India Resides in urban areas. These children are not only economically poor, but often deprived of the family support and educational environment. Children of urban poor and the deprived are often excluded from education and their coverage under UEE remains a challenge. Multiplicity of administrative units, lack of micro level units for planning and implementation and a very heterogeneous community, are some of the numerous issues affecting UEE in urban areas.

The problems of educating the deprived urban child are complex and varied. Moreover, urban population growth in the last decade has been unprecedented, rendering the urban areas unable to cope with the ever-increasing pressure of migrants. A large number of urban deprived children belong to special focus groups like Girls, SC/ST, children with special needs etc. Children in such situations are a heterogeneous group and can be classified as follows:-

  • Children living in slums and resettlement colonies;
  • Child workers/labourers, including children working as domestic servants;
  • Street children
  • Children of sex workers
  • Children of migrant workers
  • Children in remand homes, juvenile homes, and in conflict with law
  • Child beggars
  • Children studying in religious institutions such as Madarasa/Maqtab.

The education of this group of children are being specifically addressed through this component with the linkages with other components under SSA.

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